Who Created ReadingDoctor®?
ReadingDoctor® Software was created by Bartek Rajkowski, PhD, a leading Australian Speech and Language Pathologist. Here is some information about Bartek:
Dr. Bartek Rajkowski
B App Sc (Sp Path), PhD.
Speech and Language Pathologist
Creator of ReadingDoctor® Software
Director, Adelaide Speech Pathology Services
Bartek is the director of Adelaide Speech Pathology Services (www.adelaidespeech.com), a speech and language pathology clinic established in 2001. The speech-language pathologists at his clinic have extensive experience in the assessment, diagnosis and remediation of reading and writing difficulties and have a passion for helping students to improve their literacy skills. Bartek completed his doctoral research through the Flinders University of South Australia in 2012. His research was an investigation of the underlying cause of developmental reading difficulties.
Bartek is a passionate advocate for children with reading difficulties (click HERE for a fantastic recent documentary on the topic). As part of his advocacy work, Bartek sits on the governing council for Learning Difficulties Australia (LDA), an association of teachers and other professionals dedicated to assisting students with learning difficulties through effective teaching practices based on scientific research, both in the classroom and through individualised instruction (click HERE for more information). In 2020, Bartek was awarded Learning Difficulties Australia’s Mona Tobias Award, which recognises “…a person who has made an outstanding contribution to Australian education of people with learning difficulties”.
Bartek regularly presents training and development workshops on literacy development, literacy difficulties, evidence-based literacy instruction and Reading Doctor® Software around Australia. You can view a recent workshop he presented at the South Australian Department for Education’s 2020 Literacy Summit HERE.
Dr. Bartek Rajkowski's inaugural speech at the launch of the Barker Institute (for more info, please click HERE)