Letter Sounds 1
Phonics Graphemes for Beginners
Easily teach children the links between the letters of the alphabet and speech sounds for reading and spelling with phonics.
Teaches single letter-sound relationships
Developed by a reading specialist
Fun, effective, scientifically based
Unique, patent pending teaching tool
Complements any phonics program
Fully customisable
App Available on iPad
Letter Sounds™ 1 Pro is available as an iPad app. To view it in the app store or to buy and download it, click the button below:
“Oh boy! Have I found a great app! ...Letter Sounds 1 has made learning this skill utterly fun, engaging, and meaningful! I love the self-adjusting teaching method and teaching until a student masters the targets in session. My favorite feature is the ability to create my own custom remediation activities for the specific sounds a student needs to master....highly recommended!”
What is Letter Sounds 1?
Letter Sounds™ 1 is a fun, effective and scientifically based teaching tool which makes it easy to teach children the links between the letters of the alphabet and the speech sounds they typically represent in written English. Letter Sounds™ 1 is based on research into reading acquisition and was developed by reading specialist and speech-language pathologist Dr. Bartek Rajkowski, PhD. Anybody with an interest in teaching children to read through phonics can use Letter Sounds™ 1 to help children learn common letter-sound relationships!
Why is letter-sound knowledge so important?
The past several decades of research have provided conclusive evidence that children who are strong readers are skilled in using letter-sound knowledge to learn new words when reading. Skilled readers are good at understanding that words are made up of speech sounds (a skill called phonemic awareness) and they are also good at understanding how these speech sounds are represented by letters. This knowledge helps children to decode written language and teach themselves new words. Difficulties with these skills are hallmarks of the struggling reader. Furthermore, teaching methods that begin by teaching students letter-sound relationships (called ‘synthetic phonics’ methods) have been shown through research to be more effective than other approaches in teaching reading, regardless of whether students do or do not have reading difficulties. The evidence is clear: letter-sound knowledge is crucial in learning to read and spell since it helps students to teach themselves new words.
How does Letter Sounds 1 help?
Understanding that letters typically represent certain speech sounds poses a challenge to beginning readers since there is no meaningful relationship between the way that letters look and the speech sounds they typically represent. For example, there is no reason why the squiggle “s” represents the sound /s/ as in “sun”. Children must also learn to distinguish between similar letters and sounds (e.g. “b” vs “d”) when learning letter-sound patterns.
Letter Sounds™ 1 uses a patent pending, self-adjusting, multisensory teaching method to help teach beginning and struggling readers to rapidly, automatically and accurately recognise and discriminate between the most common letter-sound patterns in English. Children are taught meaningful associations between the way that letters look and the speech sounds they typically represent through a unique system of visual, auditory and articulatory (speech sound) memory aids, or mnemonics. The teaching system in the app automatically identifies what a child knows, what the child does not know, and which letter-sound patterns the child confuses. Letter Sounds™ 1 teaches children to discriminate between confusing patterns, and strengthens weaknesses in letter-sound understanding.
Who should use Letter Sounds 1?
Letter Sounds™ 1 is ideal for helping beginning readers, students with reading difficulties and students learning English as a second language. It is a perfect complement to any phonics program and is fully customisable, making it easy to set up custom activities to teach students specific letter-sound patterns. We are confident it will quickly become a favourite tool for teachers, parents, reading specialists and anybody else with an interest in the teaching of reading and spelling!
Summary of Features
Created by a reading specialist
Includes US, UK and Australian accents
Easy to use
Fun, intuitive and powerful teaching tool
Perfect for beginning readers (from the age of 4 years), older students with reading difficulties or students of English as a second language (ESL)
Helps teach basic letter-sound knowledge (single letters and their corresponding speech sounds) and phonemic awareness skills
Patent-pending, adjustable memory-aid system helps students remember letter-sound patterns
Create and save custom letter-sound sets to complement any synthetic phonics approach
Includes preset letter-sound tile sets for popular synthetic phonics programs Jolly Phonics and MULTILIT
How to get Letter Sounds 1
Letter Sounds™ 1 is available as an iPad app. To view it in the app store or to buy and download it, click on the button below:
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