What is ReadingDoctor® Software?
We are a small, dynamic company with an intense passion for creating tools to help people reach their potential. Our objective is to create revolutionary literacy improvement software that makes a significant contribution to English literacy levels, worldwide. We also want our software to be accessible for as many people as possible, regardless of economic or cultural circumstances.
Our fun, effective, scientifically-based teaching tools are designed for students who are learning to read (including students with literacy difficulties) and for students of English as a second language. Our software is designed by speech-language pathologist Bartek Rajkowski, PhD, whose extensive clinical experience and knowledge of research into reading acquisition are utilised in the teaching method and objectives of Reading Doctor® products.
“Our fun, effective, scientifically-based teaching tools are designed for students who are learning to read (including students with literacy difficulties) and for students of English as a second language.”
The potential for ReadingDoctor® software to make a significant impact on student learning has been recognised by the Australian Government. After spending three years developing and testing a number of prototypes, in 2007 Reading Doctor® Pty Ltd (formerly LearningScience® Pty Ltd) received a prestigious Australian Government "Commercialising Emerging Technologies (COMET)" grant to assist in protecting the software's highly innovative teaching system through a patent, and bringing Reading Doctor® Software to market. The company has also received several Department of Trade and Economic Development grants from the Minister of Economic Development to assist with the production and marketing of Reading Doctor® Software.
The first ReadingDoctor® Software title, Reading Sounds™ 1 Professional, was released in April 2008 to glowing reviews. Reading Sounds™ 1 Professional enables parents, teachers and clinicians to easily and effectively teach essential literacy skills such as letter-sound knowledge, phonemic awareness, blending, segmentation and sight word knowledge to beginning and struggling readers. The software is quickly being recognised as a major achievement in the field of literacy instruction and is being described by educators as a breakthrough in teaching children how to read. It is officially endorsed by a peak body advising South Australian schools on best practices in teaching literacy (SPELD SA). Reading Sounds™ 1 Pro was the subject of a Northern Territory Government project evaluating it as a key resource in strengthening literacy skills in indigenous children (it is now used widely throughout the NT). Following strong interest in Reading Doctor® Software and outstanding feedback from parents, teachers and clinicians all over Australia, in June 2008 LearningScience® Pty Ltd was recognised as one of the top ten most innovative Australian companies through the global Dell "Excellence in Small Business Awards".
Today, ReadingDoctor® Software and apps are being used in thousands of Australian and international schools, homes and speech pathology clinics, with interest in our programs growing steadily. We are committed to our mission: to revolutionise literacy instruction and to make a significant contribution to the improvement of English literacy skills, worldwide!
We sincerely hope you find our software to be invaluable in helping your students or your own children to improve their literacy skills.
“We are committed to our mission: to revolutionise literacy instruction and to make a significant contribution to the improvement of English literacy skills, worldwide!”